*Proud Achievement in Mrudang Event Organised by Reena Mehta college*

*Proud Achievement in Mrudang Event Organised by Reena Mehta college* our Junior College students have won *1st Prize* in the Group Dance Category at Reena Mehta College's event Mrudang! The participants delivered a captivating performance of the *Bhul bhulaiya Horror Dance,* which they had showcased at our Annual Day celebration yesterday.

Winner Participants
1.Shreeyant S.Padwal -12 comm /G/31
2.Bhimraj .C. khade - 11/SSD/Com/F/47
3.Vighnesh.S.Dombe - 11Com/J/78
4.Dnyaneshwar B. Thorbole - 12 Com/K/20
5.Aayush .S. Ghonge - 11/SSD/Com/F/39
6.Hitanshu Gaura - 11/Comm/I/20
7.Shlok Dave - 12/Com/C/73
8.Hasib Patel - 11/Com/E/58
9.Tanish Thakur - 12/Com/G/26
10.Irfan Mulla - 12/Com/E/21
11.Israil khan - 11/Com/M/8
12.Rohit Rawat - 11/Com/F/81
13.Vicky Gaud - 11/Sci/D/22